Commercial Presentation - Crosscall
Designing the commercial presentation of an ambitious player in mobile telephony in France
Highlight the progress made by Crosscall since its creation, support innovation and breathe new life into extreme players.
Phones that are built to last, a brand created to stay.
Crosscall has set itself a challenge: to offer phones that are resistant, regardless of external conditions. Because Crosscall pushes the limits every day and offers its adventurous customers a smartphone that will not leave them on the sidelines, we have worked to offer them a foolproof commercial presentation, too.
The presentation had to be a mirror of the brand and to present all its significant characteristics. Emphasis was placed on the strength of the product and its multiple uses. The slides reflect the human history from which Crosscall derives and the identity is reaffirmed.
Celles qui ont fait mouche, celles qui ont plu, celles qui ont vendu, celles qui ont convaincu, celles qui vous inspireront peut-être.