Crédit Mutuel Template - Alliance Fédérale
The marketing teams at Crédit Mutuel-Alliance Fédérale asked us to create an internal template that could be used by everyone.
Above all, we wanted to offer them a tool that was easy to use. What's the point in offering a template, no matter how beautiful it is, if no one is in a position to use it? We therefore asked the customer about their recurring needs in order to offer them provisions based on their use.
Stock of pictograms and photos, nothing has been left to chance
The visual worlds of banking and finance do not always offer the necessary margin for artistic expression and the codes are strict and corporate. However, our designers came up with several strategies to make this presentation stand out from the crowd. Through this template, we wanted to give pride of place to human and architectural visuals. Thus, the presentation is differentiated by its graphic assets, while respecting the imposed guidelines.
We have also developed a system of angular shapes to dress the background of the slides. The shapes were worked on Photoshop, before integrating them into the slides.
At the same time, we made an effort of iconographic and photographic research to ensure the graphic coherence of the entire presentation.
The client is now 100% autonomous in creating PowerPoint presentations
Celles qui ont fait mouche, celles qui ont plu, celles qui ont vendu, celles qui ont convaincu, celles qui vous inspireront peut-être.