Powerpoint graphic designer: robot portrait of the ideal profile
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Do you want to find out more about the role and qualities of a PowerPoint graphic designer for your business?
This article can enlighten you.
First of all, a PowerPoint graphic designer is above all a graphic designer, it is not only a specialization but also a way of thinking. The skills and missions required of a Powerpoint graphic designer are similar to those of a graphic designer.
Graphic designers are recognized as visual communicators, who create visual concepts to inspire, inform, or captivate audiences. By using a variety of media such as: fonts, shapes, colors, colors, images, print design, photography, animation, and logos, they communicate a particular idea or identity.
There are several types of graphic designers but in this article, we will focus on the qualities of the graphic designer specializing in presentation materials and more particularly on PowerPoint.
Bessy Bra, Art Director at our PowerPoint agency, tells us about the qualities she believes are necessary for a PowerPoint graphic designer.

© PowerPoint Presentation Examples by Bessy Bra, Creative Director @M PREZ
Here are the qualities that make the perfect PowerPoint designer...
Master PowerPoint, but not only!
Like all graphic designers, the “ppt graphic designer” must be able to master creative tools which will be useful to him in the exercise of his work. For this, it will be necessary be curious on the software to see what you can do with it by searching and trying.
PowerPoint Graphic Designer tools:
A good presentation designer necessarily knows how to use PowerPoint but is also an expert in Keynotes and Google Slides.
In order to build and enrich the structure, visuals and animations of his presentations, the PowerPoint graphic designer uses a multitude of software, most of them from the Adobe suite such as: Illustrator, Photoshop, Photoshop, InDesign or After Effects.
A good PowerPoint graphic designer must adapt to all requests
The role of a graphic designer in a Powerpoint agency is also to adapt to customers and requests. Indeed, great versatility makes it possible to incorporate what is not native to Powerpoint, into Powerpoint, and thus give a “wow” effect.
For example, if the customer has a very meticulous and established graphic charter, it will be necessary to respect it. On the contrary, if the client does not have a graphic charter, this is where the graphic designer calls on his universe and can let his creativity speak for itself. Creativity can be found both in smoothing (by adapting, harmonizing and making the content sharper) but also in a project where we are going to create a graphic identity.
Sometimes customers can have very specific needs, such as the training of their teams. Here are some examples of educational slides, produced by Baptiste Le Breton, PPT & UI specialist at M PREZ.
© Educational PowerPoint examples by Baptiste Le Breton, UI & PowerPoint Designer @ M PREZ
A good PowerPoint designer needs to stay up to date.
PowerPoint is used a lot on the web and in the digital world. That's why, a PowerPoint graphic designer must keep up to date with all trends in design, in web design, do graphic intelligence, intelligence boards, and focus your knowledge and knowledge in this field. This allows him to draw some of his inspiration from the web.
On the other hand, this does not mean that you have to put the print aside, you just have to be versatile and know how to adapt in case you have a print request.
The Powerpoint graphic designer should also inquire about software news that he uses. More precisely, he must be up to date with the new updates and what they bring, master the functionalities of the software because all types of media can be used on Powerpoint (videos, GIFs, images, 3D and vectors) and adapt his “basic” background with the Adobe suite to his Powerpoint software.
Collaborate and communicate with your team
The graphic designer must be able to work in a team and collaborate with peers, this is very important. Working as a team and communicating are two essential criteria in the role of the graphic designer.

Indeed, to understand what the customer does (because we have a variety of customers) and what he wants, we must communicate and ask questions to his referent, whether it is the customer managers, the project managers or the customer directly, in order to be able to best meet his needs. We try to convey the customer's message through design and graphics.
And he must... be rigorous!
Have great rigor, especially when it comes to the renderings of a Powerpoint, the coherence of the presentation, and the details. The result must be flawless and easy to use despite the instructions we provide to customers.

Finally, these qualities show that a “ppt graphic designer” is above all a graphic designer because he has the same qualifications.
After some time, the PowerPoint graphic designer can become an art director and have a key role in an agency.
He then guides a multitude of projects and is responsible for the overall quality of the work produced by the rest of the creative team. He leads, supervises, and guides the creative team in the production of all presentation materials. Its role is also to ensure compliance with brand visual communication standards.
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Ce qu'il faut retenir
What you need to remember:
- The ideal graphic designer must master all presentation materials and creative tools.
- The ideal graphic designer must be flexible and adapt to all requests.
- The ideal graphic designer should set up regular design and trend monitoring.
- The ideal graphic designer should know how to communicate with their team.
- The ideal graphic designer must be thorough.