PowerPoint strategy

Mprez expertise, Powerpoint agency

If you are not yet familiar with the principles of a Powerpoint agency, let us explain to you what to expect.

February 2, 2024

For an organization to work, all the wheels must be well-oiled! At mprez, we manage each project with the utmost attention and have created an efficient and comfortable customer journey for you. Above all, we seek to satisfy your needs and expectations and will only deliver a presentation if it corresponds 100% to your requests.

If you are not yet familiar with the principles of a PowerPoint agency, let us explain what to expect.

What is a PowerPoint agency?

One PowerPoint agency is a communication agency specialized in presentations. It therefore seeks to produce the best possible slideshow according to the requests of its customers, to offer a unique experience and a striking visual show.

Les PowerPoint agencies also master animation techniques, motion techniques and interactivity. They work on all possible supports, from PowerPoint to Google Slides, including Prezi, Ludus, Keynote or even Pitch. If you are not yet sure which presentation software is the right one to use, read our dedicated article hither.

They are often composed of a multitude of profiles: business developers, project managers, art directors, illustrators, illustrators, UX/UI designers, copywriters, developers... that bring any visual presentation need to life.

The first contact

Do you have a Powerpoint presentation request? Perfect!

Send us a request via our forms (found on all the footers of the site), send us an email to or call 01 89 62 31 76 directly.

Beep, beep, Victor picked up the phone!

The discovery call

Victor will be your first point of contact; regardless of how you contacted us, he will call you so you can discuss your project. It's the Discovery call. Victor makes sure he fully understands your request and asks you all the necessary questions (small, non-exhaustive list):

  • What is the nature of your project? (pitch deck, template, internal presentation, dynamic presentation, etc.)
  • What is the deadline?
  • Do you already have a reference document?
  • How many slides do you want?

After understanding your project, Victor draws up a quote that is as accurate as possible that includes the deadline, the price and the number of iterations envisaged (back and forth on the project) and submits it to you.

If it's good for you, it's good for us!

PS: If you have already used us in the past, there is no need to go through Victor; the Account Manager and Project Manager who worked with you will remember it, so you can contact them directly!

Deepening your initial brief

We understood you.

Your privileged contacts

Once the quote is signed, we put you in contact with an Account Manager-Project Manager duo dedicated to you.

The Account Manager is in charge of customer relationship and your company as a whole, while the Project Manager is affiliated with your specific project and your needs at the moment. He is the one who ensures the operational continuity of the project with our design teams and who manages the schedule.

The frame call/the kick-off

This pair will contact you as soon as the quote is signed for frame your request and understand it as precisely as possible, to faithfully transcribe each of your needs. Those we commonly call AM/PM take up with you what you explained with Victor and Refine the estimate. If other changes to the presentation are finally to be made or you want to change the deadlines, no worries, they specify all your expectations during this framing call.

Technical inputs by the lead designer

Sometimes, it happens that a lead designer, therefore an experienced graphic designer, is included in this exchange for deepen technical and artistic questions.

It seeks to know where you started, what you already have in your possession, and what needs to be added or changed: what are the initial resources? Do you have a charter, a presentation to rework, etc. It compiles all the available assets and seeks to Understand the purpose of your presentation, as well as to take stock of the preferred medium: a classic Powerpoint, a template, an animated presentation, a presentation enhanced with motion design, etc.

Your project in every detail

The AM/PM and the lead designer ask you questions so that you are all on the same page and will try to find out what type of atmosphere you want to transcribe in your presentation: do you expect something luxurious, institutional, institutional, fun, technical, etc.?

In short, we dig deep to provide you with the best result !

The post kick-off

After all these steps related to project management, it is time to move on to the heart of the process, creative realization!

Make way for our team of qualified graphic designers who will pamper your presentation and produce the result that is as faithful as possible to your request!

The realization of your presentation

The editorial board

Editorial advice is the overall structure of the prez.

  • If you do not have prior content, designers will review the need and its articulation with you to target creation.
  • If you already have content, a sorting will be done to find out what you absolutely want to keep and what can be reworked. You have 30 slides, but do you want a short presentation of fifteen slides? We analyze the document, we advise you and we prune together.

The Art Direction (DA)

Then comes the artistic direction phase, the “DA” in the field, led by a Lead designer.

  • If you already have a presentation made internally or by another agency, we proceed with a smoothing. In other words, you are beautifying and improving.
  • If you have nothing, then we create 5 to 8 graphic slides to offer you a universe that corresponds to your request. Think of it as a trial month at Netflix, to see if you like it 😉.

Our graphic designers are experts in their field and, thanks to their in-depth knowledge and daily monitoring, they are in a position to respond to any request and provide you with the advice you need.

The declination (DE)

If you validate the DA, we go to the DE, or the declination test slides for your entire project! It is therefore an extension of the proposals that were made beforehand. Graphic designers are looking for the global coherence and an effective treatment of the whole, to limit graphic loss.

The animation

Do you want to make your presentation more dynamic? No worries, we have what we need in stock! Animation, motion and 3D, we integrate everything you want! We are inspired by animated graphic trends according to the principles validated in advance and your graphic charter, and let's go!

We can also return the interactive presentation through automatic links and referrals; thanks to buttons and different levels of interaction, you will have the impression of navigating on a mini website !


Do you want to use your presentation for more than one occasion? No worries, we make one Template ! Thanks to a technical configuration of the document, we can make it a model adaptable to your needs and that you can modify later.

And after?

Project delivery

On average, a project lasts 3 weeks, but thanks to our presence on 3 time zones (Paris, Lisbon and São Paolo), we can provide you with a presentation in a much tighter timeframe! So, if your need is urgent, don't panic, we'll take care of everything!

In addition to the presentation itself, our designers deliver a note of intent and a slide metrics:

  • Note of intent: Slide that summarizes graphic intentions. Reasons for the creative direction and explanations of the Art Direction.
  • Slide Metrics: Project summary slide and summary of key project information. In addition, we provide you with a loom video explaining the template, if there is a template, in order to provide you with all the details that could be used in the future. And, of course, we stay in touch for new adventures!

Why a Powerpoint agency?

Choosing to work with a Powerpoint agency, it means being assured of the final effect of your presentation and contacting format experts, people who have graphic and creative knowledge that will make a difference.

Our Account Managers and Project Managers are there to provide you with advice and our graphic designers, a technical-creative proposal that will dazzle your audience.

Our credo is to make the ordinary an extraordinary result.

Ready to take your prez to the next level?

See you soon at the Kings of La Prez! 👑

This is some text inside of a div block.

More than 1000 customers have trusted our agency PowerPoint

Ce qu'il faut retenir

  • Une agence de communication spécialisée dans les présentations PowerPoint. 
  • Call commercial pour définir votre brief. 
  • Parcours client et déclinaison de votre demande.
  • Retours réguliers pour une livraison selon vos exigences.