Case study

Communication campaign: how to measure your success?

Discover how to measure your communication actions

October 22, 2024

Effective internal communication is essential for maintaining employee engagement, building cohesion and improving overall business performance. However, to be truly effective, an internal communication campaign must be measurable and evaluable. To assess the impact of your communication plan, it is crucial to use relevant key performance indicators (KPIs). These tools not only allow you to measure the success of your campaigns, but also to identify areas for improvement and adjust your strategies accordingly.

In this article, we'll explore the fundamental KPIs for measuring the success of your internal communication and how to use them to optimize your strategies.

Why are KPIs important for internal communication?

The KPIs make it possible to quantify and evaluate the effectiveness of your communication campaigns. They provide tangible data on employee engagement (whether employees are receptive and involved in group communication processes), understanding messages (how information is perceived), and adopting initiatives. A fair analysis of performance indicators allows managers (managers, HR managers, etc.) to make decisions based on facts rather than intuition, making them the most reasonable decisions. They also make it possible to optimize resources by understanding which channels and types of messages are the most effective, and to fully align with company goals.

In short, by monitoring these indicators, companies can continuously refine their internal communication strategies to better meet the needs of their employees and achieve their organizational goals.

kpi boost of productivity
Internal communication is not to be overlooked, so develop solid KPIs!

Main KPIs for evaluating an internal communication campaign

Intranet employee engagement rate

The employee engagement rate on the Intranet is a key indicator that measures the participation and involvement of employees on a company's internal communication platform. It makes it possible to assess the extent to which the Intranet is perceived as a useful and relevant tool by teams. A high engagement rate indicates that employees are actively engaging with content, whether by viewing documents, participating in discussion forums, responding to surveys, or using the various features available to them.

To improve this rate, the company must offer content that meets the expectations of employees, facilitate navigation on the intranet, and regularly promote the available functionalities. In addition, an interactive and intuitive intranet encourages participation and reinforces cohesion within the company. Regular analysis of this indicator makes it possible to detect areas in need of improvement, whether it is the type of content published, the frequency of updates, or the accessibility of the platform.

Rate of opening and reading of communications

The opening and reading rate of internal communications, such as emails or newsletters, is a KPI that measures the effectiveness of communication efforts within the company. It makes it possible to assess whether the messages broadcast by management or communication managers reach their target audience and arouse the desired interest. A high open rate indicates that the subject of the email or newsletter caught the attention of employees, while a high read rate (or clicks on links included) shows the deeper engagement with the content.

This KPI is essential to adjust the internal communication strategy. For example, if open rates are low, it may be necessary to review the wording of email subjects to make them more catchy or to further segment mailing lists to better target the interests of employees. On the other hand, a low read rate may indicate that the content of the message is not relevant enough or that it is too dense. Analyzing these rates therefore makes it possible to optimize not only the reach of messages, but also their overall impact on employee engagement.

Level of adoption of new measures

The level of adoption of new measures within the company is a key indicator to assess the acceptance and integration of changes by employees. This KPI measures how effectively employees apply new policies, procedures, or tools introduced by the company. Rapid and widespread adoption indicates that communication around these changes has been effective and that employees understand and accept the reasons and benefits of these new measures.

If the adoption rate is low, it may indicate resistance to change, lack of clarity in communications, or lack of adequate training. In this case, it is important to review how these new measures are presented to employees, for example by providing more explanations about their usefulness, by organizing training sessions, or by putting in place ongoing support to facilitate the transition.

Tracking this KPI also makes it possible to quickly identify potential barriers to adoption and take corrective actions before they affect productivity or employee satisfaction. Ultimately, a good level of adoption contributes to the success of business initiatives and the continuous improvement of internal processes.

Brand commitment

Employee engagement with the brand is an indicator that reflects their commitment and loyalty to the company. This KPI is expressed in particular by the desire of employees to actively promote the brand, whether through publications on social networks, participation in company events, or by the creation and sharing of content that values the company.

A strong commitment to the brand is often a sign of a positive work environment, where employees feel valued and involved. These employees become brand ambassadors, helping to improve the company's image among customers, partners and future talents. To strengthen this commitment, it is important to cultivate a sense of belonging within the company, for example by sharing company successes, involving employees in strategic initiatives, and recognizing and rewarding their contributions.

This KPI is crucial for a business, as it can directly influence its external reputation and its ability to attract new talent. A strong commitment to the brand contributes not only to strengthening corporate culture, but also to creating cohesion that results in better overall performance.

kpi company ambassador
If employees feel committed, then they will become the basis for a healthy corporate culture.

Positive reviews

Do your employees feel positive about your group? Conducting regular surveys makes it possible to measure employee satisfaction and understand their perception of the work environment. By soliciting their feedback directly, you get valuable data that can reveal how employees feel about a variety of topics, such as company culture, working conditions, career development opportunities, and overall well-being.

The use of surveys allows not only to detect the strengths of the company, but also to identify areas in need of improvement. For example, a survey may reveal that employees particularly value flexible schedules but are dissatisfied with career growth prospects. This information allows you to make informed decisions and implement targeted actions to improve the employee experience.

In addition, the regularity of the polls is crucial. By conducting these surveys at regular intervals, you can monitor the evolution of employee satisfaction over time and assess the effectiveness of the corrective measures that have been put in place. It also shows employees that their opinion matters and that the company is actively committed to meeting their needs. Ultimately, well-designed and analyzed surveys can improve talent retention, strengthen company culture, and increase overall productivity.

Internal NPS (Net Promoter Score)

The internal NPS (Net Promoter Score) is an indicator that assesses the level of recommendation of the company by its own employees. It is a measure of the loyalty and commitment of employees to their employer. Concretely, the internal NPS is calculated by asking employees to what extent they would be ready to recommend their company as a workplace to their friends or family, on a scale of 0 to 10.

The score obtained divides employees into three categories: promoters (those who give a score of 9 or 10), liabilities (those who give a score of 7 or 8), and detractors (those who give a score of 0 to 6). The NPS is then calculated by subtracting the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters. A positive score indicates a good level of employee affinity with the company, while a negative score can signal deeper issues with satisfaction or company culture.

Internal NPS is a powerful tool for evaluating employee engagement and commitment to the business. A high NPS suggests that employees are not only happy with their work environment, but that they also feel involved enough to recommend their employer to others. On the other hand, a low NPS may indicate problems such as demotivation, unsatisfactory working conditions, or a lack of recognition.

Regularly monitoring the internal NPS allows you to quickly detect red flags and take corrective actions to improve the employee experience. By understanding the reasons why detractors do not recommend the company, you can adjust your HR and management strategies to strengthen employee loyalty.

NPS barometer
The NPS barometer to follow

How to use KPIs to optimize your internal communication strategy?

Analysis of collected data

The analysis of the data collected using the KPIs is used to optimize your communication strategy. KPIs provide an overview of the performance of your campaigns and communication initiatives by providing concrete data on various aspects such as the engagement, reach, and relevance of messages. By analyzing this data, you can identify positive or negative trends that are emerging over time, allowing you to understand what is working well and what needs to be adjusted.

For example, if you see a high bounce rate on certain pages on your intranet, it could be an indication that the content is not relevant or engaging enough to hold users' attention. Likewise, if the opening rate of internal emails is low, it could signal a lack of interest in the subject. By identifying these weak points, you can develop targeted corrective actions.

Additionally, KPIs can reveal opportunities for improvement. For example, an increase in the use of digital tools after an awareness campaign could indicate increased efficiency in internal communication, encouraging greater use of these tools in other areas of the company. In short, KPI analysis makes it possible to transform raw data into usable insights to refine your communication strategy.

Adjusting strategies based on results

Once you've identified the strengths and weaknesses of your current communication, it's critical to respond quickly by adapting your approaches to better meet employee needs and expectations. For example, if the internal NPS reveals a low level of recommendation, it may indicate a need to strengthen company culture or improve working conditions.

Adjustments can include changes in how you segment your audience, change your messages, or choose your communication channels. For example, if surveys show a poor understanding of new policies, you might decide to adopt more interactive communication formats, such as webinars or question and answer sessions, rather than traditional emails. Also, if some content generates more interactions on the Intranet than others, you could reorient your editorial strategy to produce more similar content.

Continuously adjusting your strategy based on KPI results ensures that your communication efforts remain relevant and effective. This not only allows you to improve the resonance of your messages, but also to ensure better alignment with the expectations and concerns of your employees, thus promoting stronger engagement.

Continuous improvement

Continuous improvement should be at the heart of your communication strategy, and KPIs play a fundamental role in this process. By regularly collecting and analyzing KPI data, you have a solid foundation for refining your approaches and maximizing employee engagement. This iterative approach makes it possible to create a constant feedback loop, where each communication cycle is informed by previous performances.

To implement continuous improvement, it is important to think of KPIs not as static measures, but as dynamic indicators that evolve according to changes in the company and employee preferences. For example, if employees become more adept at digital tools, it could be appropriate to explore new digital communication formats.

The key to continuous improvement is staying agile and ready to experiment with new strategies, while being receptive to employee feedback. By integrating the lessons learned from each KPI analysis, you can gradually refine your communication methods to make them more effective and better suited to the needs of your organization. In this way, you not only optimize employee satisfaction and engagement, but you also ensure that your communication strategy evolves proactively in response to internal and external dynamics.


In conclusion, KPIs are essential tools for evaluating the effectiveness of your internal communication campaigns. They not only allow you to measure employee engagement and satisfaction, but also allow you to adjust your strategies in real time. By proactively using these indicators, you can create more effective internal communication that is aligned with your business goals and the needs of your employees.

Regular analysis of these KPIs, combined with a continuous improvement approach, allows you to remain agile and responsive to changes in your work environment. Whether it's to adapt your messages, choose the most effective communication channels, or strengthen corporate culture, KPIs provide you with the insights you need to make informed decisions.

Ultimately, an internal communication strategy based on concrete and measurable data contributes not only to a better understanding between management and employees, but also to the creation of a more engaging and productive work environment. By constantly monitoring and optimizing these indicators, you can build truly effective internal communication that can support the growth and success of your business in the long term.

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Ce qu'il faut retenir

  • Internal communication must be based on reliable KPIs
  • Internal communication performance indicators are numerous and can reflect different internal visions.
  • Data should be analyzed regularly to remain alert and agile about the changes to be made.